Day 2: “What’s in the Eggs?”

Today’s quote comes from Sam Felton when he was preparing his breakfast: “What’s in the eggs?”

Today, Sam Felton, Holly and Sophie travelled to Nakuru Worship centre while Sam Lettington, Eddie and Myla went to christCo Church. We worshiped with the lively congregations, and discussed our testimonies for as long as 3 hours! We also enjoyed the company of the children at these churches, who played with us and listened to our discussions about the Bible. 

Sam, Holly and Sophie video called Plume Avenue Church back in Colchester, and talked about their experiences so far.

We have all had a fantastic time in the churches of Nakuru, and we are blown away by the energy and passion put into the worship and prayer of all the church members. Plume Avenue take notes!

Nakuru Worship Centre.

Sam, Holly and Sophie making sure they’re video call ready for Plume Avenue Church.

Sophie receives a warm welcome from the children of Nakuru Worship Centre.

A new hairstyle for Holly, provided by the children of Nakuru Worship Centre.  

Joe and Joseph, the two youth pastors of their respective churches.

Sam and Eddie Enjoying their time with the children of ChristCo church.

Children listening Intently to Sam and Eddie

Myla and two children from ChristCo church.


  1. Great to hear all the news and see the pics. Brilliant to link up via video today. You looked great on the screen. Bless you all and safe travels tomorrow. X


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