Day 5: Trying to avoid getting the quote of the day

Quote of the day: From Myla discussing quote of the day on this blog: “I’m trying to make sure I don’t get in quote of the day.” Better luck next time, Myla!

Today we started the day with a lie in (at last!) and lounged around until 2 o’clock, when we went on a walk. We had a look at the animals at Daniel’s house, and we played with a rugby ball in a green area nearby Daniel’s house.

We also visited Lanet Church - or rather the people of Lanet Church, in the home of one of the members! Geoff preached about being a cheerful giver, and we prayed for the communities of Kenya and the UK.

Naming the chickens outside Daniel’s house.

Holly exerts her inner athlete in a game of catch.

Joe and Holly enjoying a siesta back at Daniel’s.

Geoff preaching to the people of Lanet Church.
